The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 29, 1917
Peritonitis is Cause of Death
Prominent Young Woman Succumbs
Funeral Held on Saturday
After an illness of three months from peritonitis, Miss Jessie Markin, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Markin, died at the home 1013 Second avenue north, at 3:00 this morning.
Besides her parents, Miss Markin is survived by three sisters and two brothers. They are Miss Elizabeth Markin of Fort Dodge, Mrs. C.D. Nedderman of Madison, wisconsin, Mrs. A.J. Ware of Corona, California, Robert W. Marking of Seattle, Washington, and W.S. Markin of Clarion. With the exception of Robert Markin of SEattle, all the brothers and sisters will be here for the funeral.
The funeral will be held at the home 1013 Second avenue north Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Rev. W.A. Minty of the First Congregational church will be in charge.