Fort Dodge Messenger and Chronicle: Dec. 21, 1917
City Briefs
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Wilson leave Saturday for a holiday visit in Minneapolis and St Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. Strong Hinman expect to spend the Christmas vacation with relatives in Wichita, Kas.
Mrs. W.H. Rubel leaves today for Dubuque where she will spend the holidays at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.J. Roshek.
Lieutenant Emmett Lenihan comes up from Camp Dodge tomorrow for the Christmas holidays which he will spend with his relatives here.
Joe Stecher, the Nebraska wrestler, spent Wednesday night in this city en route to his home from Humboldt where he attended the Gotch funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Larosn are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Berg Osvog of Canton, S.D., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Osvog are on their wedding trip.
Mrs. Georgia M. Joselyn and daughter Estella leave this evening for Rockwell City where they will spend Christmas at the Edward S. Joselyn home.
Mrs. Maude Huffman has filed suite for divorce from Marion Huffman. The petition alleges that they were married in 1909 and have one adopted child.
Misses Dorothy Hurlbut. Katharine Ryan, Ruth Fitzpatrick and Annice Woodward are expected int he city Saturday noon from Milwaukee Downer where they have been attending school. They will be in Fort Dodge for the Christmas holidays.
Many hunters of Fort Dodge left early this morning on the big rabbit chase – the purpose of which is to catch rabbits to be turned over to the poor of the city. The weather is ideal for the hunt. The hunters are expected to report at the municipal building this evening with the day’s catch.
Blanks have been received in the office of the county clerk for the recording of births. The new law goes into effect on Jan. 1, 1918. Ten days is given to record a birth. Failure to do so makes one liable to a fine of not less than $5 and not more than $100 and imprisonment of thirty days. The responsibility of recording births rests with both the parents and physician or midwife.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hurlbut are entertaining a number of their relatives over the Christmas holidays. Their guests will be Mrs. George Spangler of Winthrop who arrived yesterday, and Mr. and Mrs. S.T. Spangler of Winthrop, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swan of Independence, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Jones and daughter Frances of Northwood and George Spangler of Winthrop will come tomorrow.