The Dayton Review: July 5, 1917
We learn that a marriage of local interest took place June 12th, John Hanson, son of Chas. J. Hanson, southeast of town, and Miss Mia Nordberg being united in marriage at Fort Dodge. Victor Anderson, living down on the river, where she has been staying, accompanied them to witness the plighting of their vows. The bride came here a few months ago from Montana, and has made many friends during her stay in this vicinity by her kindly ways and pleasing traits of character. The groom has grown to young manhood in our midst and is a young man of industry and integrity, respected by all who know him. The happy couple are making their home at the farm of the groom’s father, where they began housekeeping at once. We join in the congratulations and best wishes of their many friends for a happy and prosperous married life.