On Sunday, March 18th, Carol Foltz and I went to the Algona to the Kossuth County Genealogical Society’s Open House. The Webster County Genealogical Society donated $100.00 to the renovation of their office at the library. Art Murray gave a speech on DNA, Who Am I. It was very informative. In the picture is Letty Henriksen, Carol Foltz, Pat Klemm, Manita Murphy, Me (Susan M. Olson) and Jean Kramer. In the next picture is Art Murray.
Monthly Archives: March 2018
41st Anniversary Open House – Friday, April 20th at noon
Family Tree Magazine
Our library offers Zinio for Libraries. It allows you to check out digital magazines. There is no limit and you can keep them forever. All you need is a library card.
Family Tree Magazine is one of them. I have downloaded zinio app to my Kindle Fire and can now read those magazines. You can also download them to an android.
March 18th, 2018
On Sunday, March 18th I will be going to Algona, Iowa to a meeting of the Kossuth County Gen. Society. It is a 2 pm at the Algona Public Library. The speaker is Art Murray from Webster City. He will be talking about DNA. Art is a member of the Webster County Gen. Society and President of the Hamilton County Gen. Society.
March Monthly Meeting
Our March business meeting will be held Monday, March 5th at 1 pm in our office at the Fort Dodge Public Library. There will be no program this time.